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Invisible Music by Platform 4 - an immersive journey though sound and experience ♪♫♬
This was an intimate affair, rugs, garish lamp shades and house plants were arranged in a semi-circular fashion that resembled many a...
The Broken Biscuit
Comedy, it’s not as easy as one supposes but with cheap gags, political satire and innuendo to spare The Biscuit Barrel’s outrageous new...
“It’s Polish theatre, what do you expect?”
Words spoken by a teary eyed man as Teatr Biuro Podróży’s haunting new production Silence came to an end at the Winchester Bus Station on...
Chatting With - The Bard Busker
Arthur L Wood is a fellow student of drama at The University of Winchester and a self confessed Shakespeare fab boy. His performance Bard...
One word to describe Table manners? Unfulfilling.
Avant Garde Dance’s three person show advertised itself as an exploration of ‘the complexities of human relationships and behaviour when...
"Show me your balls!"
Scrunched up paper balls instead of tickets – how novel Form at the Performance Gym Winchester University Rendered Retina are a company...
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